Make friends with people around you. Practice starting good conversation. Humour makes people comfortable, and will help you form bonds with others. To form closer bonds, you can hold a sleepover or have a party with people you'd like to get to know better. Parental consent comes first, though.
Don't worry about what others think of you. Everyone's different, and everyone is unique. Also, don't change in order to fit in. If the popular girls are wearing something amazing, that does not mean you have to have the exact same thing to be awesome.
Be active. Don't just sit there and be lazy. Have fun while you're being active or playing sports. Getting active will help keep you healthy. Regular exercise can improve your mood and relieve stress, ultimately making you a happier person.
Try to do well in school. Ask for help if you need it. It's okay to get a bad grade once in a while, as long as you tried your best. It is awesome to get good grades, so just pay attention in class. Especially math! Math and science aren't just subjects for boys.
Develop your skills and talents. Skill take time to develop, and effort to master. Different skills and talents are good conversation starters. People will soon be asking you to teach them new skills. This can be in any field: gymnastics or sports in general, art, music, trivia, computer programming—you name it. Make sure to choose something you enjoy to do, not something everyone else wants to see you do. You can show off your skills once in a while, but don't be a big show-off otherwise people won't like you anymore.
Don't be pushy and don't hang all over guys to get their attention, in fact, if you want their attention, ignore them, then they won't leave you alone.
Wear cute clothes. You don't have to wear super expensive designer clothes all the time, but be cute.
Have your own unique, personal style. A good way to do that is to mix styles. For example, you can be sporty and girly at the same time, or sophisticated or casual at the same time. Don't be too wild!
Don't blend in: STAND OUT. Dress in your own personal style(go back a step for more info). Make sure your style matches your personality: don't wear clothes or dress in fashions you don't feel comfortable in. Have your own "signature" look that no one else has.
hahahahaha, nevermind la.. i awesome oredy . kahkahkha
hahahahaha, nevermind la.. i awesome oredy . kahkahkha
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